Registrar Retires
Beloved administrator departs Texas High to spend time with family
Photo by Misty Lopez
Registrar Kim Byerly looks over student transcripts for the final time. Mrs. Byerly retired on Aug, 8.
August 17, 2018
Even though she may be an obscure figure on campus, she has always been there for her students, whether it be something as small as keeping an eye out for a lost history book, or talking on a personal level about college and life. You may know her by seemingly familiarizing her features, or simply as the sweet lady in the academic office.
Registrar Kim Byerly retired after working for TISD for 18 years on Aug. 8, a week before the upcoming 2018-2019 school year.
“I worked at a high school in Missouri, but we moved to Texarkana for my husband’s job. I enjoyed working with kids so I applied and I was offered a position in June of 2000,” Byerly said. “Since then, I have been working at Texas High for 16 years, and I have been working with the district for an additional two years, so it’s been about 18 years total.”
Prior to her decision to retire, Byerly had gone through some hardships concerning her husband’s health, which ultimately led to the decision.
“My husband has had several surgeries starting in April [of last year] up through about May concerning cancer, and then he was bitten by a copperhead snake in our backyard,” Byerly said. “He has survived it all and is doing well with his recovery, but we have decided that it’s time for us to enjoy life and the time we can spend together. We’re going to visit our family in Houston, and we have a trip planned to Ireland in the near future.”
Byerly will miss not being around, but she is confident that with the help of the new registrar, Crystal Martinez, the students will flourish and have someone to uplift them in times of need.
“Crystal Martinez has worked at central office for several years now. She is a wonderful person. I think she is going to fill the spot just fabulously, and continue to do what we’ve tried to do, which is make the academic center a welcoming place for students,” Byerly said. “It’s important for me to know that there’s someone taking my spot that’s going to take care of my kids.”
Choosing to retire has been a difficult decision for Byerly, but she is optimistic and enthusiastic about what the future holds for her and her family.
“The kids here are wonderful. I’ve never met such kind, courteous students. As for my co-workers, we’re like a big family in this office,” Byerly said. “The students, whole staff, the parents, I’m going to miss everything. This was a hard decision because the possibilities to spend extra time with my family are a pullI love Texas High. It’s my second family, and I really enjoy working with [the] kids, but I’m excited about the possibilities retirement holds too.