Walking the line
The heroes behind our traffic control
Photo by Alexis Runnels
Traffic controller Keith Davis stops the flow of traffic to allow two students to cross the street. Davis has worked for Texas High for the last five years.
November 30, 2018
Car windows are shrouded in the morning fog. Drivers, both those recently acquainted and those well-accustomed to the wheel, follow the car ahead in the influx of preschool traffic. Amid the blaring line of smoldering exhaust and hazy, red hazards, two yellow figures subtly morph into distinction against the smoky asphalt. Nestled within safe, heated seats, one could hardly bear the brisk walk between car and classroom, much less donning a reflective vest as the only means of protection to spend an hour in the elements. Yet this is exactly what Texas High police officer and traffic controller Keith Davis takes on every day, all for the benefit of our school. Without this traffic control officer, we would surely be in a jam.
“I did some training with Brad Erwin when I began this job,” Davis said. “Actually, I didn’t think I wanted the job, and I’ve found I really love the job. There is some training you have to do; you have to become more attentive to what’s going on around you and everywhere and know your job.”
Davis has been directing traffic for our school since 2013. He spends the majority of his day in a small office stationed at the temporary entrance for visitors during school hours. Like all officers, he is very dedicated to keeping us safe and monitoring the campus. Likewise, we should strive to lighten his load and not make it even more cumbersome.
“If you can just pay me some attention, follow my direction, then I can get you where you need to go in a timely manner,” Davis said. “The problem I have is when we’re not paying attention. A lot of us, if you pay attention to me and not those cell phones — if you pay me some attention and you flow — I’ll flow with you.”
When prompted on whether or not his job was daunting at times, Davis was unperturbed. For him, it is the same as any normal occupation. However, that is not to say that there haven’t been a few close calls.
“I’ve almost been run over by cars,” Davis said. “They didn’t see me until the last minute and came close to hitting me. I’ve seen some kids almost get run over by cars. I’ve seen some cars get hit for not paying attention.”
Early in the morning and throughout the day, Davis is constantly tasked with the need to employ a sense of acuity and diligence. He does not fear his job; in fact, he enjoys its singularity. Despite the dangers of his trade, what enables his enduring motivation is his willingness to assist the school and his strong faith in God.
“I have been doing this for five years,” Davis said. “In the morning I get up, and I am praying for the Lord to watch over me each and every day. I go with the fact that he is going to do that.”