For better or for worse
Student section cheers on the Tigers in good times and bad
Photo by Bailey Groom
Senior Mya Bowers cheers for the Texas High Tigers as they play against Liberty Eylau. This was the first home game of the season for Texas High.
November 15, 2019
It’s close to the end of the 4th quarter, shouting and screaming begins as the tuba songs starts off. Everyone gets close and starts chanting a student section chant to the beat. Getting louder and louder, before long all of student section is up and chanting.
Times like these are why the student section adds to the overall hype of Friday Night Lights. It brings unity and an overwhelming sense of school spirit.
Usually the students have signs, noise makers and come up with fun chants to shout to help make the game loud. At most home games a trashcan or trash can lid can be heard as students pound them with sticks. Students get the chance to come together as a whole, to help cheer on the team.
“Yeah it’s a great environment, it’s a way that we can all sit together and enjoy the game,” freshman Maddy Bixler said. “And really get hyped up about the game and involved.
Students who sit in the student section are encouraged to dress up according to whatever the theme is that night. Many students even paint their faces and go to extremes with their outfits to show their school spirit.
The band sits to the right of student section so they can combine their energy to rev up the game energy, and the past two home games have included the crowd favorite Tuba Song.
The student section is open to any student who goes to Texas high and has a school ID. Bringing on the chance to spend Friday nights with friends while also helping cheer on the Tigers, a great way to show school spirit.
Many seniors can be found in the front of all the cheers and gearing up the student section. In years past its the seniors that lead the section and help raise the energy.
“I just feel like all the seniors want to have a good time in the student section for their last year,” senior Quinn Sanders said. “Being loud is what gets everyone lit so as one of the student section leaders I try to get others to be loud as well. It gives the game a good tone and hypes up the players as well.”
The cheers boost the confidence and performance of the football team when they can hear their peers cheering them on.
“I like being apart of the student section because it allows me to be a part of the game. It feels awesome to lead the student section because of the wonderful participation by the rest of the student section,” senior Bryson Harris said. “Win or lose we do not want the opponent to feel comfortable at Grim.”
Student section is the most fun when there’s full participation from the students but it also requires a good turnout of people too.
“I think student section gets students really involved, and it’s really fun,” freshmen Bella Fuqua said. “And it makes me wanna get involved in the games.”
It’s the best way to show school spirit. And in the eyes of the community a huge success.
“I get more comments about the student section than anything else we do, it’s really good to have that much positive feedback from the community since they don’t have anyone on their side,” Student Council adviser Susan Waldrep said. “Seniors make or break every year, each year the whole school follows the seniors and what they do, and this year the senior group has taken student section and the spirit to a whole new level, whether the players are winning by 20 or losing by 20.”