Meeting the court

Photo by Clint Smith

Story by Anna Lee, Staff Writer

Annie Powell is involved in multiple clubs and organizations within the school. She is a member of Student council, National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Yearbook, Quill and Scroll and Rosebuds Junior Garden Club. She is Senior Class Vice President, Editor-in-Chief in yearbook and Service project chairman of Rosebuds. She loves to be with her friends and watch the sunset in her free time. 


“I was just grateful for the opportunity. It’s an honor to be on court with so many amazing girls, especially since there are so many people the spot could have gone to,” Powell said. 


Maddy Bixler is involved in Student Council, Key Club, National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta and Rosebuds Junior Garden Club. She is Senior Class President, Progressive Dinner Chairman for Rosebuds and Secretary of Mu Alpha Theta. She loves to volunteer with her church and serve around the community with her church groups. 


“When I received my rose, I was really excited. We have a really good group of girls, and I think it’s going to be really fun,” Bixler said.


Ka’ Leah Williams is a very active member within the school. She is involved in several clubs such as FCCLA, DECA, Ujima, AP Ambassadors and she also runs track. She is the founder and president of Ujima, Vice President of NHS, President of FCCLA and Vice President of DECA. She loves to volunteer in her community in the free time she does have, along with running her own hair business. She also loves to work out whenever she gets the chance. 


“I was just very excited and slightly surprised. I wasn’t really expecting them to hand me the rose,” Williams said.


Emma Giddings is involved in many things at Texas High. She is in Leadership, Student Council, Yearbook and Texas Highsteppers. She is Captain of the Highsteppers and devotes a lot of her time into that role. She loves to do studio dance in her free time, play guitar and hang out with friends and family. 


“Honestly, I was pretty surprised. I definitely thought there were a lot of deserving girls that could have [been voted in], but I am excited that I [was one of them],” Giddings said.


Mackenzie Loudermilk is involved with Student Council, Leadership, Cheer, Rosebuds Junior Garden Club and the Criminal Justice Club. She is an officer of Rosebuds. She loves to shop and catch up on any schoolwork she is missing in her free time. 


“When I received the rose I was honored. I was just happy and didn’t even know it was for me. [I] was very shocked,”  Loudermilk said. 


Marlee Bledsoe is involved in Rosebuds Junior Garden Club, Key Club, Student Council, Quill and Scroll, National Honor Society, Tennis and AP Ambassadors. She is Vice President of Rosebuds, helps with recruitment in Key Club and is Co-Captain of the varsity tennis team. She loves to relax in her free time because she is always busy traveling for tennis. 


“I was very excited to receive my rose. Everyone on court is just so genuine and kind, and I am just so excited for [the experience],” Bledsoe said. 


Bella Cherry is an active member in the varsity volleyball team, Rosebuds, National Honor Society and Student council. She plays travel volleyball with Untouchables EPA out of Dallas. She is the captain of the varsity volleyball team and plays a big role in her travel volleyball team. She loves to play or watch volleyball in her free time. 


“I was just very happy and it all was a surprise. I was super excited,” Cherry said.


Kristopher Simington is involved in multiple clubs such as FCCLA, Multicultural club, Student council and DECA. She works at Red River Credit Union as an intern through DECA. She loves to help her mom and work in her free time.


“I was honestly really surprised when I got the rose because I’m not  necessarily one of the more popular kids,” Simington said. 


Bella Fuqua is involved with Leadership, Student Council, Yearbook, National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta and Rosebuds Junior Garden Club. She is the dyslexia ambassador for Texas High. She loves to go on hikes and walks to be in nature with her dog, along with being involved with her church. 


“I’m so excited. I’m just thrilled and honored that I [get to be] on homecoming court,” Fuqua said.


Bella Murdock is involved in Student Council, Rosebuds Junior Garden Club, National Honor Society, Quill and Scroll and Criminal Justice Club. She is Student Body Secretary and a chairman for Rosebuds. She loves to travel, spend time outside, do yoga and hang out with her friends and family in her free time. 


“It was a super sweet moment, and I am so grateful,” Murdock said.