The sounds of keyboards click as working students complete preparations for the upcoming Tigervision show.
After graduating in 2020, Olivia Coleman worked in television news and attended cosmetology school. She returned to Texas High School as a teaching assistant in the Tigervision program, helping adviser and teacher, Charles Aldridge, with audio and video production classes.
“I graduated from Texas High in 2020,” Coleman said. “I was in the Texas Highsteppers and was involved in Tigervision.”
After graduating, Coleman worked as a news anchor at a local news station.
“Being a young teacher in high school is interesting, but it’s fun at the same time,” Coleman said. “I was a substitute teacher at Morriss Elementary for three years and I’ve learned that teaching elementary vs. highschool is a lot different. I love both ages, however, I like high school [more].”
Her experience with assisting at her husband’s video lighting company comes in handy when helping with Tigervision.
“I got interested in this job because I enjoyed Tigervision and feel like it’s a big part of my life,” Coleman said. “I always want to be a light for God in this world and so I feel that going into the school system and being that for these students is something I’m destined to do.”
The requirements of being both a teacher and a college student demand a lot of Coleman’s time.
“I go to work full-time and I’m also a full-time college student,” Coleman said. “I wish I had a little more time to relax and chill, but I enjoy what I do.
The positive impact she has on students goes far beyond the responsibilities of her job.
“She has taught us how to be presentable in front of a camera and how to use one correctly,” freshman Elynn Peak said. “She encourages us to be our best in everything we do and always helps us no matter what.”
She carries her weight in the program by assisting students with assignments and completing paperwork for Aldridge.
“[Mrs. Coleman] brings a lot to the table to assist with teaching [students] things,” Aldridge said. “She covers classes and is overall helpful to the program.”