Sydney Steed
“I am a United States sailor. I will support and defend the constitution of the United of the United States of America and will obey the orders of those appointed over me. I represent the fighting spirit of the Navy and those who have gone before me to defend freedom and democracy around the world. I proudly serve my country’s Navy combat team with honor, courage and commitment. I am committed to excellence and the fair treatment of all.”
This is the Navy’s creed, a code of law that every sailor must live by. Swearing the oath of service is an honor and a responsibility that many eager high school students do not consider while they contemplate being recruited.
High schools across the country have a habit of stocking their curriculum choices full of various classes ranging from culinary to engineering, all in hopes of giving students a small taste of what their future may hold, but when it comes to the the population of future military recruits, there are no classes to suit their needs.
This problem can easily be fixed by simply removing a course that has a percentage of low attendance and replacing it with an JROTC class. Doing so comes with a handful of good benefits such as allowing for more student enrollment, a higher percentage of students going into the armed forces and it makes the school earn more credibility by openly supporting the military.
According to Navy Recruiter Petty Officer Austin Camacho, a JROTC program helps build discipline and camaraderie amongst students while also giving them a leg up on college ROTC programs. A major benefit of JROTC is that if a student is in the program for at least two years, then it will allow them to complete basic training as an E2 apprentice seamen instead of an E1. Three years in the program will make them an E3 seamen which comes with about a $5,000 pay benefit starting out.
There are myths to JROTC classes that may be adhering people from wanting to take one, such as the belief that once you sign up to take it, you have to join the military. According to the United States army’s official ROTC website, this is not true. There are no contracts to be signed or any binding material that forces you to join any armed service. ROTC classes can go a long way to rising people in the military ranks if one chooses to enlist, but even if someone chooses not to then that person will still learn valuable life lessons and skills.
Getting a JROTC course at Texas High would aid many of its students who seek a military career in various ways such as creating future officers and building good traits into students. We should give students who want to serve their country the aid they deserve.