National ‘come up with a better holiday’ day
Sophomore expresses irritation about festivity origins
Photo by Savannah York
October 29, 2015
Scrolling through Instagram and seeing the fifteenth post about National Best Friend Day, I felt like I was going to lose my mind. I was noticing the same people post about the same National Best Friend Day every few weeks, and I just don’t see the novelty in creating fake holidays that sweeping across the Internet.
Lately, the new trend has been every day being a national __ day. Websites like “” have created wacky days that were sometimes funny, but mostly just annoying.
I’m all for National Chocolate Cupcake Day on Oct. 18, but who came up with Caps Lock Day on the 22? It makes me question people’s thought processes when I see National Dog Day posts of the person’s cat. You do not own a dog. Please keep that post under control until National Cat Day on Oct. 29.
Does someone sit at their computer all day thinking up crazy ideas for each day, and eventually everyone ends up hopping on the bandwagon of posting about holidays that aren’t real? Why should we even care?
According to the federal holiday calendar of the U.S., Columbus Day, which typically falls on Oct. 12, is the only official holiday in October. Most of the created holidays started with a person thinking a certain subject needed more recognition.
April 10 was the chosen date for National Siblings Day by the founder, Claudia Evart, because of her late sister’s birthday. After losing both her siblings in separate freak accidents at a young age, she wanted to celebrate the bonds between brothers and sisters by designating a certain day every year to commemorate siblings.
The day eventually received presidential recognition in 2000 and again in 2008. Evart dedicated her life after losing her siblings to lay the foundation of The National Sibling’s Day Foundation.
The representatives over the foundation are helping establish the day as a national holiday of recognition for brothers and sisters. Currently, 41 out of the 50 states recognize the day, but their goal is to have it accepted across the country.
Some holidays have a reasoning behind their origins, but others are imagined because of someone’s love for a certain sweet.
“If I could create a holiday, it would be in October and called National Hershey’s Candy Corn Day because it’s my favorite candy,” sophomore Kamryn Hamilton said.
Maybe every day can be a holiday after all.