Summer pressure
Teens give their advice for drinking, sex situations
Photo by File photo
September 1, 2016
You’re at a party and everyone is with a guy. You’re the only one that’s not drinking. Do you hook up with a stranger and pick up a cup or do you stick with safe decisions? The choice you make could impact you more than you expect.
Over the summer teens will be pressured to drink at parties or just hanging out with friends. Even if nobody says “come on, it’s cool,” they will feel that it is necessary to fit in with the crowd.
“It’s your choice to pick up the cup,” junior Taylor Turner said. “But there’s still no shame in it. You made a mistake and you’ll learn from it.”
Alcohol can seem like a short term situation, but at a young age it can affect the rest of your life. Your brain finishes developing in your 20s and drinking can slow your ability to process information or make you have violent tendencies.
“It’s a terrible choice at such a young age,” junior Josh Lanier said. “The effects can last forever and damage your future.”
Alcohol is not the only problem teenagers face over the summer; sex is also something that can be pressured onto someone. Young girls might say it’s okay, but inside they want to say no.
“Make sure your significant other knows the boundaries before you get into any situation,” sophomore Cameron Murry said. “And say “no” when they make you uncomfortable.”
Everyone feels as if there’s a ton of pressure at this age to fit in and grow up, but your happiness and safety is all that matters right now. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself when you’re in a bad situation.
“Don’t be afraid of anyone leaving,” Murry said. “If they don’t like your personal preferences, then they don’t deserve you.”
Don’t be the person who ends up pregnant in high school or the person who crashes from drunk driving. Those split second decisions will determine the rest of your life and even others. In short, don’t be afraid to say no.