After the coup
Faith in American government after the coup
Photo by Caden Rainwater
The four years leading up to this election were, for many Americans, the most traumatic and stressful years of their lives. So many emotions ran through their body and soul as this administration controlled their country.
March 9, 2021
Jan. 7, 2021, the election results had been in for weeks. Joe Biden won. “It was rigged!” they screamed. “They cheated us!” they howled.
Trump supporters had chanted and protested ever since the election results had been announced that their president had won “by a lot.” Dismayed that their maniatic cries had not been heard, not by any of the 60 judges across the country nor the electoral college, they decided to take matters into their own hands.
Thousands came to this protest — no, this riot. How they were able to even get to the steps is an enigma on its own, but them trespassing on this sacred ground, breaking open the windows and doors then crawling in like an infestation of cockroaches is unthinkable. Though, the only thing worse than them trespassing and demolishing this symbol of our country is them calling themselves “patriots” by doing so. It was an excruciating day in American history as the capitol almost fell by the hands they were sworn to protect.
The four years leading up to this moment were, for many Americans, the most traumatic and stressful years of their lives. So many emotions ran through their body and soul as this administration controlled their country.
Emotion one: Indecisiveness. It’s hard to pick the lesser of two evils, but the 2016 election forced this duty upon millions of Americans. Indecisive of which candidate would cause the least amount of damage to the country. Is this what our once proud and Herculean government has come to? Choosing between two, openly exposed, corrupt and nefarious people to run our great nation?
Emotion two: Worry. How will he impact the country? Good? Bad? So many questions, so little answers. In this anguished state people will look to anyone to explain what is happening, what will happen and make any sense of the situation, even if they are just poking fun at it.
“This guy being the president, it’s like there’s a horse loose in a hospital,” comedian John Mulaney said. “I think eventually everything’s going to be OK, but I have no idea what’s going to happen next, and neither do any of you, and neither do your parents, because there’s a horse loose in the hospital.” Everyone is worried about what’s going to happen next, because no one can predict it.
Emotion three: Disheartenment. When we, the people, finally manage to grasp the full extent of what his opinions are, what he plans to do, some voters begin to regret their choice. Placing children in cages. Building a portion of a wall and calling it “border control.” Sending the National Guard on peaceful protestors. And now, sending his personal civilian militia to storm Capitol Hall in his final days.
Even in his quiet moments, there was a constant aura of trouble brewing underneath. The stench of his greed and power lust could not be masked by the flower perfume of promise. Never be fooled by certain households receiving a considerable tax cut and some COVID relief checks being sent out. No amount of good deeds can cover up this heinous act of internal treason.
This is the real question: How will American patriotism recover from this attack? Some rioters have already been arrested, and many key personalities and social media platforms have tried their hardest to disassociate themselves and their businesses with the insurrection. This moment will haunt American history, but it can also be a turning point.
Our nation has turned a blind eye to internal threats, but now the threat has attacked. We have focused too hard on the foreign enemies and let any signs of this domestic attack fly under the radar. It is time for us, as a nation, to learn from this day and be prepared if another were ever to occur.