When picking classes in high school, students can choose from Advanced Placement (AP), Dual Credit (DC) or regular classes. Each type of class has its own benefits and challenges, so it’s important to find the right fit.
Advanced Placement classes were created to help high school students get used to college-level work. AP classes can be tough, but that doesn’t mean they’re unmanageable. Some high schools let any student sign up for an AP course. One cool thing about AP classes is that they can raise your GPA above a 4.0.
“I really like my AP class because it’s super hands-on, and it gives you good specifics on what you’re doing,” senior Morgan Stewart said. “The deadlines can be a little hard to reach, but other than that, I love it.”
AP classes can help you learn more about a subject and get really interested in it. The assignments and lessons are usually well-planned and organized.
Dual Credit classes let you earn both college and high school credits at the same time. These classes are taught by high school or college teachers and are at the college level, so they can be harder than regular classes. But they’re worth it because they can save you money on college.
“I like my DC classes because they have been easy this year for me, and I like that I can get college credits,” junior Delaney Dwyer said. “It helps me get closer to my associate’s degree, and I like how the classes challenge me to work harder.”
Regular classes are the basic classes that help you meet graduation requirements and learn the main subjects. These classes are usually less stressful and allow students to work at a slower pace.
“Well, I’ve had DC and AP, but I like regular classes a bit more because it’s a slower pace, and I feel like I can take my time doing my work,” senior Raegan James-Welch said. “The work isn’t as hard or tedious as others.”
All these classes are helpful in different ways. Regular classes are good for keeping things simple, while AP and DC classes can provide a more advanced learning experience along with college credits. That said, in my opinion, DC classes are the most helpful as you can get immediate college credits without paying full price, while still getting an advanced educational experience.